I'm a List Girl, are you?

Ah! The famous TO DO List. My friends, I am here to confess that I am a keeper of LISTS. If I could shout it from the rooftops, I would say “I’M A LIST GIRL!!” I love to write crap down so I can just cross it off my list. And, even if I have already done it (and it wasn’t on the list), I will write it down after the fact just to cross it OFF my list. Does anyone else feel me???

Ok enough of that. But seriously, WHY DO I MAKE LISTS? Why does anyone do this? What’s the point? Well, about 5 years ago I read a book by Ryder Carroll about the bullet journal method. I started in a very basic way but it evolved into creative bullet journaling and took off from there. I have recently reverted back to the basics because I have ZERO TIME to mess about making these elaborate pages everyday or even every week when in all honesty it’s really just a daily To Do List. I also realized that I’ve been making lists since I was a teen. Sticky notes and strips of paper rocked my young adult life especially. So, what I really needed was a way to ORGANIZE my life, to keep track of all the little things I needed to get done every day and what was on the horizon for each week, month, a few months from now and next year…..

How do you do this? I have an agenda book AND a a basic bullet journal. These 2 things are the backbone of keeping my shit together so to speak. I’ll tag my favs at the bottom of this post in case you are interested in what I actually use.

If you are a married adult, with kids at multiple stages, activities to get to, plus add in a work schedule and you can’t remember to make an appointment for your youngest or that you were supposed to pick up the dry cleaning that day or even to add cat food to the shopping list, then you need a better strategy. A friend of mine recently was complaining that she can’t remember all the things she has to get done. She had forgotten about lots of appointments and activities with her 4 kids, husband and work stuff. If you know anything about me, you would know that I am a SOLUTION person. If there is a problem I can identify, then I try to find a solution instead of whine about the grief I am having over a solvable issue.

So, in true “fix-it” mode, I mentioned to my friend how my agenda and bullet journals have kept me sane over the past few years. And that it was only when I was actively using them that I felt productive and that I was getting things done. I had quickly realized that, as my family grew and I became increasingly busier, that my sticky notes everywhere were NOT going to cut it. I think I reached a critical point in my life where my husband told me to get a better balance on things and I had to think long and hard about my priorities. My family was a priority, my husband was a priority, and my job was important too, but I only had 24 hours in a day to “do all the things”.

Now, I keep a quick running log list of daily little tasks I need to do in my black notebook (bullet journal) and my 12 month agenda book has my schedule, husbands schedule and kids’ schedule all in there to remind me where I’m supposed to be and when. It also holds all my school related deadlines so I can see at a glance what I should be working on each week for each of my courses. I also keep a separate bullet journal on my office desk for just my work tasks each day. That has REALLY been helpful when I’m at the office. Every night, I double check the next day’s schedule to make sure I know where I need to be in the morning and when to set my alarm. When I get to the office, I make a fresh To Do List just for that day and add any items not completed from the day prior and get my day started. I love this system. It’s so simple and easy to keep up with. And I don’t forget the important things.

By the way, my friend has made a similar system work for her. Her level of stress went from “through the roof” to “comfortable”.

Ryder Carroll’s book: The Bullet Journal Method (read it or check out his website: https://bulletjournal.com/

Agenda: Classic A5 size planner-   https://www.personalplanner.com/US/planner_editor/?size=a5

Favorite pens for my agenda planner: Friction clicker 07 (Erasable colored gel pens!)

Bullet journal favorite notebook: Leuchtturn1917 (purchase on Amazon, also A5 size)

Four Energies that can stir you into action surprised me.

I had never heard of the 4 energies before until I read a blurb on a blog I follow and that prompted me to research a little. The original quote is from writer Bill O'Hanlon’s book Becoming a Published Therapist:

'“In my view, there are four main energies you can tap into when you write your book. The main energy you discover may be just one or you may find that you have a combination of more than one of these energies that fuels your writing endeavors. The four energies are Blissed, Blessed, Pissed and Dissed. The first two represent the positive energies; the last two, the ‘negative’.”

In reading this, I realized that I wrote my whole first book, The Making of a Leader, from a combination of Blessed and Pissed. Mostly pissed if I’m being honest. What I further realized is that this not only comes into play when you might want to write a book or some publication, but also when you are in a position to teach others either in conversation, in a mentor role, if asked for advice on something you have experience with, in speaking gigs….etc….

It is amazing how many ideas we may have but, overall, they just aren’t enough to get the job done. I have so many book ideas but I do not know which one to start next. There must be some energy behind it to MOVE YOU TO ACT! Perhaps the next time I feel energy- positive or negative, I need to act more quickly. I feel the initial motivating push but then many times, I forget to take the first few steps needed to keep the energy flow going. So, what exactly do these four energy sources mean?

“Blissed” is energy that comes from your passions, what LIGHTS YOU UP so to speak. You can talk about it for hours on end and still have more to say. You never get tired of this thing or topic. For me, that generally is either Motherhood or Task Organization. But, occasionally, I find something that peaks my interest that is out of left field and for a time, I’m very passionate about that.

“Blessed” energy comes from your strengths and gifts. What are you very good at and can share with others? What makes you different that you stand out from the pack around you? Does this knowledge of your gifts motivate you to share about it?

“Pissed” is just what you think it is. Yes, although a negative emotion, it can definitely fuel your work. I was so upset that no one seemed to understand some key attributes that every leader should know about so I decided to write a book about it. It seemed every day was frustrating because I kept repeating myself to others, so now my thoughts are out there in book form and you know what? I’m not so pissed anymore!

“Dissed” is the other negative one that is kind of more personal to you. You’ve been disrespected in some way or perhaps a service/product was not up to standards and it BOTHERS YOU. You are moved to do something about it; talk about it; write about it; post about it….

Have you ever considered WHERE your motivation is best fueled from?

I'm a Husky

Let me give you the update on my student status: I AM OFFICIALLY A HUSKY!! I got through the applicant phase and was approved as a student in the program I wanted! Yay me! Orientation is in less than a week and then I register for my classes. There’s no turning back now!

I honestly cannot believe I actually am going to do this and go back to school. Have you ever decided to do something that scared you a little (or a lot) but you knew that in doing it, you would better yourself? As an adult I find that getting out of your comfort zone is one of the hardest things we can do. And, we tend to avoid doing anything that makes us feel uncomfortable.

The bad thing about that is, that when you are always comfortable, YOU AREN’T GROWING. Just because I’m an adult doesn’t mean that I should stop growing. And sideways doesn’t count LOL.

Growth in mind, in intelligence, emotionally, in business, in my relationships….in EVERY aspect of my life is super important- now more than ever. Why would I waste my time and my life by settling for only where I’ve landed right now? I want more. Not more money, but more out of this life.

I am a lifetime learner, just like my mom was. It took me until now to really see that in myself and to recognize that she was just like that too. I remember many summer days where my mother would be reading the newspaper cover to cover or reading a non fiction book ALL DAY LONG. Now I get it. At the time I didn’t understand her madness but I didn’t realize that she loved to read (and learn) about all sorts of things. She would just tell us some random piece of information and be so excited about it and no one else would really care or know what she was talking about. I thought it was funny back then. I thought she was weird to have her nose stuck in books and newspapers all day long.

Now, I know better. I’m just like my mother. And I took it a step farther, because I also like to write! So, I guess the old saying is true that the apple DOESN’T fall far from the tree. And being a little weird is just fine by me.

A Recovering Perfectionist

Hi, I’m Sabrina and I am a perfectionist.

Everything in its place, everything just so, no last minute and unresearched plans, nothing unexpected and everyone impressed with my attention to detail. What a wretched life it was sometimes- I lived with the entire world on my shoulders including all the stress associated with it. And it has taken years for me to work out better ways to do things that don’t add more on my plate than what is rightfully mine.

Things to remember:

I am NOT PERFECT nor will I ever be.

Learn to be realistic in your expectations of yourself and others.

I make LOTS of mistakes that I eventually have to fix later.

Not everyone likes me and I have to be ok with that.

I am not a robot or a machine.

No is a perfectly acceptable answer.

Boundaries are a healthy thing to have in your life.

Sometimes, I need to lower my standards AND my give-a-shit level.

It is impossible to please EVERYONE; and especially not to try to do so as it will inevitably sacrifice my peace.

My best sometimes is just ordering the damn pizza after a long day.

All these little “reminders” help me with pretty much any decision I must face in the course of my day. It’s also a good thing to be held accountable by a friend, spouse or family member, which I have. Sometimes that means just bouncing my thoughts off them or even just venting to someone I fully trust.

That’s not admitting defeat or that you are not as perfect as you would like everyone to think you are, that’s becoming strong through learning through your struggles WHICH IS NORMAL. Plus, remember YOU AREN”T PERFECT ANYWAY. It also helps you practice self-love and respecting yourself, your time and your energy.

I’ve always resented feeling like I was the ONLY one who can do a certain thing in a specific way for it to be done RIGHT. I mean, is it REALLY that important? Who is the Judge anyway???

Journal me this...

Ever heard of this thing called BULLET JOURNALING? Well, let me help you understand this madness. The basic concept is taking all your various to dos, tracking, thoughts/notes and pretty much anything you need to write down and keep tabs of into ONE NOTEBOOK. When your life is full of little spirals, sticky notes and brain overload of random information (but semi-important), then this can be a game changer. Since embarking on this adventure, I have enjoyed adding in longer form journaling (think diary), sketching and illustrations in watercolor in addition to my regular bullet journals. I have that in plural because I have to have one for work and one for home stuff. Mixing the 2 created additional chaos for me and I don’t need more of that, I have plenty.

Go look up Ryder Carroll to find out more about the Bullet Journal. He is a super smart guy who actually kind of invented this concept to solve his own issues of organization. It’s very eye opening to see how it began and how it has evolved into something different for everyone.

I originally started out with the basic method just like his book outlined and I quickly started adding in the sketches and watercolor came shortly after that. Then, I went down this rabbit hole of artsy bullet journaling over covid days at home because well I had the time. Then the world went back to reality and so did I. Then I just stopped everything for a couple months. Back to the sticky note life and total disorganization! I couldn’t remember anything and frequently forgot about important things I was supposed to be doing. It didn’t take me long to realize it was because I had found a good system that was actually helping me and I stopped using it. I found a new notebook and started again and haven’t stopped since. Knowing your limitations is half the battle.

If you haven’t had a chance to check out my Instagram, go do a little stalking and see how this process has evolved over the years. I post only uplifting and fun things over there but it is a peak into my visual world, which tells you a lot more about me.

Anyways, this was on my mind today because it is literally ALL I’ve kept up with since my last post. I may pull back from everything else but I stick to my journaling so I do not forget to pick up the dry cleaning, among other important but not life altering things….

What I used to start my bullet journal journey: Ryder Carroll’s The Bullet Journal Method book, a great writing pen that ups your coolness factor (Lamy Safari fountain pen with a medium nib), any DOT GRID journal (I like Minimalism Art Classic hard cover 5”x 8.3” notebook). That’s it to start. If you have markers or washi tape or stickers that’s all EXTRA but you can add in what you want. However, I suggest starting with the basics and growing from there.

I hope you find a way to make it your own. Happy journaling!

Life is better on vacation

Back in April, Leonard and I took a trip to Hawaii to celebrate my birthday and our anniversary. We had never been before and we were so excited to get away to such a memorable and beautiful place. However, we made a pitstop to San Francisco, CA for a couple of days to visit a good friend and to see the sights. I had never been there myself and I was mesmerized by the gorgeous weather and such fantastic sights! If you’ve never been, I highly recommend a visit.

We were not there very long, but on our second day there, we hopped on one of those tour buses that goes all over the city to all the tourist spots. On one stop, we got off and walked over to Alamo Square Park to look at the famous “painted ladies” row of historical Victorian houses. They were cool to see of course, but walking around that park made an impression on me that was theme for the entire trip. EVERYONE we seemed to encounter was having fun outside, just enjoying LIFE. Playing frisbee, catch, running, walking, having picnics, walking their dogs….etc. I had never before seen so many people, on a weekday mind you, just chilling outside and enjoying nature. It made me pause and wonder how people in once city can act very differently than another. I do not think I had ever noticed that before; but here it was plain as day. Let’s put a pin in that thought.

The next day we flew to Maui for the second part of our trip, the main attraction so to speak. I have never seen a place so full of life and vitality. There was so much to enjoy and see and do! But, I will tell you that every local we stopped to chat with or get to know LOVED living there. They didn’t care that the cost of living was so much higher. They didn’t care that they have to wait more patiently for items to be shipped to them. The didn’t care that they lived n a place where millions of tourists come through every year. They wouldn’t trade it for the world. And every one of them said the same thing- “You cannot beat the quality of life here”. They understood that living in paradise is a privilege and worth making sacrifices to stay there. One bus driver said that he left to go to college on the mainlands but couldn’t wait to return home. He is educated and could have a great job elsewhere but he chose to come back and drive a tour bus and do hiking excursions for a living. Another said that he would take a paycut in order to keep his 3 day weekends so he could continue to enjoy surfing and island hopping when he was off!

I was in awe of how well they take their downtime seriously, enjoy themselves, work humbly, and respect and love the nature that surrounds them. It is a lesson to us all.

It was a wonderful trip, one where we did so much but also gained some valuable insight. And, when we came back, I didn’t even know what day of the week it was. That means it was a good vacation!

And I’ve decided I’m way too busy sometimes to notice the little things. I’ve got to slow down and stop to smell the roses along the way….

What a Father's Day!

Because we seem to always be on the go, it was not surprising that we literally drove in the Saturday afternoon before Father’s Day from a work conference. I blame the event 100% for poor planning on this particular weekend. I mean, WHO would have a work conference on Father’s Day weekend??? Ok, vent over.

We got home just fine, although tired and wanting to hide from all the people who live here (of course they are all MY kids but I wasn’t feeling like playing MOM after driving 4 hours to get home). So we get comfy, unpack and when I come out of my room I see that my kitchen is a MESS! Of course NONE of the kids can see it because trash and dirty dishes and oil spills are invisible. So I spend the next hour cleaning it up to my satisfaction before I get to sit down with a snack to watch a show or 2 before bed. You know how you can be so exhausted but you know you won’t go to sleep unless it’s an appropriate time for bed? That was us, just biding our time until 10pm. And after sleeping in a hotel for a couple nights, finally going to bed felt like such a treat in our own bedroom.

Anyway, to start Father’s Day off right, the house alarm went off and woke me at 6:30am. I had to get up and shut that off then get back in bed. Then the swimming pool started making a gurgling noise because it was low on water and I couldn’t sleep with that racket so I went outside to turn the hose on to add more water. Back to bed. But now I look over and realize my husband is awake so this is when I realize I need to go grab his presents and quickly bring them downstairs so he sees them when he goes into the kitchen. So I get up again. Needless to say, I didn’t really go back to sleep again. Father’s Day had begun: Breakfast and presents for dad, getting ready for church (yelling at kids to get up and ready- it’s part of the process RIGHT???), going to church, grocery run on way home, cooking lunch, cleaning up the mess from a crazy whirlwind morning, trying to find time to get in the pool with everyone else, then coming in to start laundry, shower and get comfy. I thought the day was done. We were planning a chill movie night with the kids. Things don’t always happen as we expect though right?

I was about ready to fix myself a light dinner before the movie when my 20 year old daughter starts complaining about a pain in her abdomen and it just got worse so one of us needed to take care of her baby for bedtime routine and the other was going to taker her to the emergency room. I volunteered as tribute.

Oh what a mistake that turned out to be. We were at the Emergency Room for over 8 hours, mostly waiting to be seen or get results on tests. We didn’t get home until almost 3am.

Being a mom of 5, I obviously accepted that my odds would be higher for chaos but GEEZ. I have lost count the amount of times I’ve had to sit in a hospital waiting room with a kid. This time though was a record…8 hours!!! Even my daughter lost her shit at the poor receptionist working the graveyard shift.

Both her and I are zombies today. Thankfully, I decided NOT to even try to be productive. Too bad my 6 month old grandson didn’t get the memo that his mama didn’t sleep much because today he is giving her a hard time. But I’m secretly glad that at least none of my kids are that little anymore and this time, I’m not the mama on duty. Because this grandma is cranky and needs a nap.

Crap, now I've done it

Welp….I’m officially crazy. I just hit SUBMIT on my application to attend the University of Washington and I can’t believe I actually did it.

I have been waiting for years to finish my degree….years. TWO marriages and FIVE kids later it looks like I just may get the chance. If they accept me, that is. So, I’m a little bit nervous but VERY pleased that I went through with it all. I mean when was the last time you had to write an actual application personal essay? Highschool for me (which was ages ago).

You may wonder…why do you want to back to school?? Don’t you own your own business and you wrote a book already and blah, blah, blah. Because I WANT TO. I only got so far and then I had to stop so that I could be a wife and mother to the best of my ability. My youngest is almost 13 and the timing just feels right ya know? And plus, I won’t apologize for my being one of those people who actually LOVED school. I enjoy learning and it has only helped me become a smarter and better person when I learn new things.

So cross your fingers or say a little prayer for me- because I really want to do this.

Just another day at the Office

Firing people is an ugly business. It is especially so when you know it’s a good person with a family and needs but that can’t be the only reason you keep an employee I’ve found. 

Some people just aren’t a good fit. What’s so tough is letting them go with respect and compassion and also leaving their dignity intact. It’s hard and I have never liked it. But, being a business owner with employees means that it is something I have to do from time to time. 

If you have employees, kudos to you doing the hard things. I promise that in your discomforts and challenges are a plentitude of life lessons that not everyone has the privilege of learning. But, keep going, my friend, we need leaders to pave the way for better tomorrows.